European Wasp - Sacred numbers and Geometry


Sacred numbers and geometry, numerology, order and organisation, going to great lengths to protect the established order, aggression, helping and hurting, constructing a solution, team-work, productivity.

General Description:

The European wasp (also known as the German wasp, yellowjacket - in America, and sometimes the paper wasp (though it's not a paper wasp) is found in the Northern hemisphere (Europe, Africa and Asia), and introduced to many additional countries like Australia, North/South America. It is typical of wasps, just over a centimeter long, and has standard yellow and black markings and three distinctive dots creating a triangle on its head.

European wasp colonies feature a Queen, and sterile workers. The European wasp makes a distinctive grey, papery nest out of saliva and chewed plant fibres. To protect the nest from ant predation, wasps secrete an ant-deterrent. The European wasp is considered beneficial in some ways, because it feeds its young on caterpillars and insects; however in introduced countries like Australia, it is considered a pest and damages ecosystems, and oust native wasps from their natural habitats. European wasps are more aggressive than bees, can sting multiple times without dying, and like bees, can cause anaphylactic reactions in people.

Lessons and Challenges:

The European wasp, like almost all wasps, hornets, bees etc. represents a need for order and organisation. People with European wasp as a guide may find that they seek order and organisation in many areas of their lives naturally. Those who have European wasp come into their lives are being asked to create more order around them. It is time to organise your thoughts, create order in your home and other aspects of your life. European wasp reminds you that through this order you will create opportunities for growth and expansion.

Following on from this, the European wasp represents going to great lengths to protect the established order. It may mean attacking others or being assertive with others who try to change the way things already are, or alternatively it may mean putting in extra time to re-establish order once it has been disturbed.

There is an element of aggression that European wasp tends to introduce people to (and probably a reason why it and so many other wasps are common as shadow guides). European wasp reminds us that sometimes aggression is necessary and pertinent. It is important to tell people to get back from the things that we cherish, our homes, ourselves, the people we care for, the order we have worked hard to achieve. In a world where aggression isn't so PC anymore, European wasp lets us know that we evolved aggressive abilities for a purpose, and when used in their protective capacity, can be highly effective.

The European wasp - like many wasps - can seem like a bit of a conundrum or paradox, known for its helping and hurting traits. The European wasp is highly caring to the young of the hive, and yet will viciously and repeatedly attack any threats made; even if those threats aren't really realistic. European wasp teaches that it's okay to hold paradoxical elements side by side, it does not make one a hypocrite, and sometimes needing to be aggressive doesn't make your ability to care or be compassionate less worthwhile or worthy.

With the European wasp ability to take plant fibres and its own saliva to create a geometrically harmonious hive, it is possible to see that European wasp can help us construct our own solutions. This can be taken on a somewhat literal level; how good are you at making or constructing what you need? Do you know how to work with materials, hang a picture, create something physical to solve a problem? European wasp suggests that learning physical problem solving skills is just as worthwhile as learning mental ones (which it also teaches).

All communal wasps teach the value of team-work. Sometimes it is about putting your personal needs second, and placing importance with others. This is a hard lesson for some people to learn, and yet others do it too much. European wasp teaches that there needs to be a balance, but that team-work must be more of a priority to you at this time.

European wasp imparts wisdom pertaining to sacred numbers and geometry, this extends all the way to numerology (for those who are wondering if there are many animals connected to numerology, there's a few!). The idea with sacred geometry, is that it creates visual architecture and shapes which are harmonious and balanced. The European wasp teaches that there is a universal requirement to be around harmonious shapes and patterns, and asks you to gravitate towards places, images and shapes which exhibit sacred geometry.

Additionally, the European wasp teaches the sacredness and meaning inherent in numbers. This might involve looking at the cultural relevance of numbers; or researching the belief system of numerology; the idea that there is an esoteric connection between numbers and living beings.

European wasp is an exemplary animal guide when it comes to the concept of productivity. European wasp is a diligent and productive animal; in its ability to construct geometrically harmonious nests in a relatively short amount of time, in its ability to maintain and contribute to the hive, source food, and defend its hive. The presence of European wasp can indicate a need to focus on increased productivity, and meditating on or working with European wasp energy can increase productivity for those who wish to work harder and yield greater results.

The Shadow Aspects:

European wasp (and wasp in general) is responsible for a number of phobias, and is very common as a shadow guide. Those who dislike, fear or hate European wasp, may find that they may not pull their weight in a position of team-work, expecting unfair or undue credit. Those who dislike wasp may take it to an even greater extreme, refusing to participate in team-work wherever possible, and preferring to work alone while being situated within a team.

European wasp challenges our idea of safety. It is an invasive, aggressive insect that is dexterous in flight and can repeatedly sting us. Deaths caused by European wasp envenomation are not uncommon, and are often a result of multiple stings. The knowledge that animals exist out there that are invasive, aggressive and show us pretty clearly that we don't belong near their territory and nest is frankly threatening for a lot of people. Phobias can develop in people who fear their ability to maintain their own physical integrity and sense of boundary, and so get irrationally intimidated by creatures who potentially threaten that integrity.


Like all animal helpers, this animal will only appear when right and appropriate, and cannot be forced to visit you, commune with you, or share messages with you. European wasp, like many insect guides, can be cryptic in encounters. Insect guides don't always talk, and sometimes they indicate what lessons they are teaching you by enacting aspects of their life. This can be a bonus in learning from wasp, since - simply by observing wasps in real life - do many of the tangible lessons of European wasp present themselves.

European wasp will sometimes appear much bigger in visualisation and journeying than it is in 'real life,' and this is a trait common to many insect guides. Be aware that European wasp as a teacher can have some 'sting' in its words and lessons.

© Ravenari