Lynx - Seer of the Unseen
Seer of the Unseen. Solitude. Reservation. Vigilance. The Hermit. Understanding Spiritual Mystery. Sphinx Energy. Invisibility. Knowledge vs. Superstition. Play. Perception and Protection on All Levels. Seduction and Eye Contact. Manipulation of Time & Space in Otherworlds.
General Description:
The lynx (including the bobcat) taxonomically consists of four species within the family Felinae. They are a shy, secretive medium-sized feline with tufted ears and a bobbed tail common to the western hemisphere. The prefer to live in mature forests and mountainous regions, but can be found in deserts and heath/scrubland. They are often noted for their haughty or imperial gaze. They tend to be most active at dawn and dusk, but are also nocturnal. Their diets consist primarily of rodents and hare. Lynx are quite dependent on hare populations, and lynx numbers are thought to be directly proportionate to hare numbers. Lynx are mostly silent, and use body-language and scent to communicate most often, however they will yowl and hiss in mating season. They are hunted for their pelts, and kittens are at risk of predation from coyotes, owls and foxes (among others).
Please remember that if this animal is contacting you, it will often be the best resource for teaching you what its lessons are. What I write is only intended to be a guide, it is not absolute, nor is it infallible.
- Lynx tells us it is a time for caution and vigilance, and often comes into our lives through dreams or visions to tell us that we need to pay more attention to our surroundings even when we know we aren't in any danger. Reservation when going about our lives also teaches us to think before we act, and Lynx can come into our lives to curb impulsivity.
- Lynx can bring clarity to the understanding of spiritual mysteries, this clarity in turn enables us to learn hidden secrets and understand how these mysteries apply to our lives and those around us.
- Lynx tells us it is time to become a bit more of a skeptic, it is time for knowledge vs. superstition. Lynx energy tends to put a bit of a skewer in the habits of superstitious folk and teaches us to overcome our blockages to learning new things due to a deep-seated grounding in superstition.
- Lynx is an ideal energy for perception on all levels and the growth that this implies. When we learn how to perceive in all areas of our lives, we grow immeasurably. This perception leads to a protection on all levels. Lynx is an extraordinarily strong energy for the cultivation and maintenance of personal boundaries and barriers.
- The nature of the Lynx to operate alone enables it to understand secrets and to be secretive. This nature is neither deceptive nor deliberately malicious, rather it is an energy that simply stands apart. Lynx is The Hermit from the standard Tarot. People with Lynx in their lives often find that they connect best with others and themselves, when they deliberately disconnect from overly-socialising or stretching themselves too thin.
- The presence of Lynx in our lives also reflects the presence of Sphinx energy in our lives, and it may be important to connect with this mythological creature and its symbolism and heritage also.
- Are you a solitary person who takes yourself too seriously? You very well might be if you've attracted Lynx into your life. Well, the good news is that Lynx has an excellent sense of whimsical, kittenish, light-hearted play, and it's time for you to find the things in your life which make you child-like again, laugh again, and live again. Solitude is no excuse for taking oneself too seriously after all, and like any Lynx will teach you - you can certainly play and have fun by yourself.
- On a shamanic or spiritual level, Lynx teaches manipulation of time and space in otherworlds. This is a necessary tool of the shaman, and Lynx is one of the few animals who willingly teaches it. This manipulation enables us to visit memories and the future, bend and fit multiple spaces, and lengthen or shorten time in order to better understand energy and in order to better heal when shamanising. This ability is of itself a mystery, which is why Lynx is one of the better teachers of this lesson.
- Seduction and eye contact is a realm in which the Lynx is master. It might be time to learn how to use the expressiveness of your own eyes to sway others, or it might be time to learn how the eye is significant as a symbol in your spirituality. What does it mean to look, see and record information. What are the colours you can see? What can other creatures see that you can't? What are the mysteries implied in this? Is the idea of seeing more seductive? Or frightening? What can you see that others can't?
- Lynx is the Seer of the Unseen, and comes into our lives to draw our attention to that which we need to focus on, and have glossed over for whatever reason. Additionally Lynx can teach us how to see that which cannot be seen by the human eye in a day to day level - how to discern auras, spirits, ghosts, ley-lines, energy fields, shields, magical residue and even the memories and blockages that hang around people, are all the domain of Lynx. If we start seeing Lynx in our lives, it might also be time to do ourselves a tarot, oracle or rune reading for we are most likely to be objective (or learning to be objective) when viewing ourselves at this time.
If you have Lynx/Bobcat as your guide:
People with this animal as a guide will often manifest traits similar to the animal itself. I work on the philosophy that we only have one guide, and it teaches us lessons as well as representing the core aspects of our personality. Therefore -
- Lynx people in their less developed stages tend to be a bit frustrating to the rest of us, they can be superior and haughty, they have a tendency to be a know-it-all. It's important for all (including Lynx people) to realise that they do have the answers and the knowledge, it just might be hidden under the trappings of the ego or the desires of our emotional existence.
- Those with Lynx medicine are good at keeping secrets hidden, they are also excellent at giving advice to those who need to know when it is time for a secret to be revealed. In order to know when to be silent, Lynx implicitly knows when to speak also and gives wise council.
There will be other ways your guide manifests, and you will recognise them with awareness and communion.
As shadow guide/guide:
The shadow guide is the animal we often fear irrationally, that teaches us things about ourselves that are profound and difficult to confront. Often the traits we fear most within the shadow guide, are the traits that we dislike in ourselves. We must scrutinise why this is, and learn how to work with them.
- People may fear Lynx because they have something to hide, or because they feel as though they will be 'revealed' if their secrets are discovered.
- Those who fear Lynx may also have low-self esteem which is revealed in argument or debate. These people resent feeling lectured or dismantled in debate and need to learn when to keep silent while they start the process of self-confrontation. This is an important lesson for those with Lynx shadow energy to learn.
Contacting Lynx/Bobcat:
Like all animal helpers, this animal will only appear when right and appropriate, and cannot be forced to visit you, commune with you, or share messages with you. Lynx tends to respond best when one attempts to commune with the energy in quite and silent spaces, particularly those in woodland and forest. Meditation that requires change in breathing technique and inner focus are more likely to be successful in contacting Lynx than out and out drumming. Lynx will quite readily respond to rattle or flute when they are ready.
Lynx is a solitary creature, and will only appear when they feel like appearing. They are not to be commanded, at our beck and call, and this is another mystery that Lynx will aid us in understanding.