Darwin’s Fox – Grand Scale Beauty
‘How I love open spaces to roam in, to find all I need to survive. I like a direct line to the skies, to wander broadly and not be limited to forest paths. As for me, well I can find nourishment just about anywhere, in anything. If you have need of me, you may find that you also have a knack of finding nourishment in many things. We are survivors, you and I, and we have a great capacity to see beauty on a grand scale, in so many facets that others may wonder how we can find so much, so beautiful. Sometimes people may not notice you, or pass you over, but do not worry. There are those who see you for who you really are, one more manifestation of the universe’s beauty, ranging in the open spaces.’
Description: The Darwin’s fox (Lycalopex fulvipes) is a small dark coloured canine found primarily in southern temperate forests Chile and Chiloe Island, also known as Darwin’s zorro, zorro chilote and zorro de Darwin. Male Darwin’s foxes aren’t territorial or aggressive to other Darwin’s foxes. They have a broad and opportunistic diet, taking mammals, reptiles, beetles, invertebrates, fruits, berries, birds, carrion, and amphibians. They’re crepuscal, most active at twilight and before sunrise.
Darwin’s foxes are considered Endangered, with less than 1,000 in the wild. They are largely threatened by deforestation and habitat degradation and fragmentation, as well as attacks by feral dogs, diseases from feral dogs and persecution from humans.