Orange Bellied Parrot – A Life Less Ordinary
‘Don’t expect to see me in the wild. You’re probably going to miss me for two reasons – I’m exceedingly rare, and I love to look like my environment. There’s wisdom in not always standing out, isn’t there? Except that I’m such a rare gem, some people go to great lengths to see me and meet me. What I teach over time has shifted, and now I invite you to seek what is rare and hidden in yourself, and decide if it’s something you want to gift to others, or keep as a private gift for yourself. I also share the wisdom of moving regularly from place to place to find nourishment. You’ll always have a firm sense of where your home is, but that doesn’t mean you can’t roam, does it? I can share with you the wisdom of the coast and grasses – like me, they may seem easy to overlook – but a lifetime’s worth of esoteria hides in the places you least expect.’
Blending into the background. Coastal wisdom and magic. Connecting with grass and grass-seed energy. Camouflage. Migration. A life less ordinary. Sound the alarm. Requiring concessions. Connection to flame and burned places. Offerings of fire. Calling the sacred flame. Sensitivity to climate change. Being choosy over partners. The wisdom of Air and Fire while staying strongly connected to the Earth. Balance. Connection to the sacral chakra. Everyday beauty.