Pesquet’s Parrot (Dracula Parrot)

Pesquet’s ParrotMisunderstandings

Pesquet's Parrot illustrated by Ravenari

‘People look at me and usually see two things – first, they see my glorious red plumage and I suppose this is why some people only wish to hunt me. Second, they see my bald head and hooked beak and wonder if I am a fierce hunter. In fact, I carry the secret of fruit in my blood and bones, I eat almost only figs, and I know what it is to live off what the trees provide! I am so much more than first impressions, and so are you, I suspect. Learn why people misunderstand you, or why you misunderstand yourself! I can show you the joy of being with many of your own kin, or being with only one or two loved ones. Let me teach you about the nourishment to be found in the bountiful rainforests, without and within. Come let life be about joy and brightness!’


Fig wisdom and symbolism. Misunderstandings. Brightness. To find joy with many and a few. Ambivert. First impressions are sometimes wrong. Beauty. Colour. The wisdom of Air and Fire. Connection to the root chakra. Following sources of nourishment and nutrition. Moving to where the action is. Everyday beauty. Friendship. Rainforest wisdom. Mountain wisdom.