Cape Hare

Cape Hare – Keeping an Eye Out

illustration of cape hare by ravenari


Issues with safety and trust, sleep difficulties, finding it difficult to get adequate amounts of deep sleep, being on the alert, keeping an eye out, wanting to know what’s going on around you, needing to feel safe in your surroundings, suspicion, finding fitness appealing, a connection to desert and scrubland energy, thicket and heath spirits, night magic, competition with others, wanting to know what you would do in times of danger.

General Description:

The cape hare (common hare, brown hare) is a nocturnal hare found in open land such as meadows, fields, moors, marshes, thickets, forests and meadows throughout Africa, with populations spreading to Europe, the Middle East and Asia. They can be found in temperate, humid, hot and dry environments, and can survive quite well in extreme deserts. They are powerfully built, being lean with long, powerful hind-legs. They are fast with excellent running ability. They are also greatly agile, and able to leap forward and vertically to great heights. They are also able to climb and swim. They have 360 degree vision, due to their large eyes, and only close their eyes when they feel safe.

Deep sleep is rare, and lasts less than a minute per day. They will frequently become rigid and motionless when they detect danger during sleep, however, the rest of the time they flee. They are herbivorous, consuming grass and shrubs. They will also take fungi, and have been known to eat their own droppings to redigest food and reabsorb nutrients. Males will ritually fight or box each other in spring. In Mongolia, cape hares will use marmot/suslik burrows for protection from climate. They are sometimes hunted for food, and high populations can cause damage to forests and crops.