African Sacred Ibis

African Sacred Ibis – The Responsibility of Stories

illustration of the African Sacred Ibis by Ravenari

‘What a legacy I create. I have been invoked to banish winged serpents and great evil, I have stood in the stead of the great, diligent and wise Djehuty, also known as Thoth, and the stories say I have rid the world of pestilence by my sacrifice, more than once. Stories are those narratives by which we make our world, and I am here to teach how to tell those stories responsibly.

‘A story can do great harm, but it can also be an act of great transformative healing. Some stories do all things, and some stories do only one thing. By my word and by my pen, or by your own, I invite you to find the sacredness within the importance of story. My gift is knowing how to look deeper into the stories, how to find wisdom and nourishment in the dark spaces where others only find murk and confusion. Allow me to walk or fly with you, as we illuminate the pages of your life together.’