
Albatross – Prince of Waves

Albatross illustrated by Ravenari


Grace. Wind Wisdom. Weather Forecasting. Ocean Wisdom. The Language of Currents. Wandering. Independence. Monogamy. Loyalty. Courtship. Freedom to Break Through Limits. Solar Worship. Messenger. Path-Working.

General Description: There are 24 species of albatross, a large, sea-going bird which is famous for its large wingspan (up to 12 ft) and graceful manipulation of the wind and currents when flying. The albatross has an average life expectancy of 30 to 50 years. They tend to stay in the southern oceans, but some will stray up to Alaska and Siberia.

They spend most of their lives characteristically at sea. Albatrosses are monogamous with an extended courting period. When breeding they communicate with loud gurgling calls, bill-clattering, brays and yaps. They nest in colonies that can occasionally number in the thousands. The albatross feeds on squid, cuttlefish, crustaceans and fish. They are sometimes scavenge around fishing boats. The albatross is vulnerable to predation from sharks, large fish and long-line fishing.

Brief mythological associations:

The albatross has a rich mythological and cultural history which persists today. Sailors worldwide view sightings of an albatross as good luck, and its injury, capture or death is a terrible omen to those at sea. This superstition is highlighted in a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge called ‘the Rime of the Ancient Mariner.’ However in some regions albatross feet were used as tobacco pouches. Further research into cultures and mythology will yield much on the symbolism of the much-loved albatross.


Please remember that if this animal is contacting you, it will often be the best resource for teaching you what its lessons are. What I write is only intended to be a guide, it is not absolute, nor is it infallible.

– Albatross teaches us grace. It comes into our lives to show us how to use our bodies in ways that help us move fluidly through our lives in conditions that can seem even treacherous to our wellbeing.

– The albatross is a master at wandering. It often teaches us the value of simply finding new roads and pathways; path-working in order to find the road less traveled if it looks like it might yield more nourishment.

– Albatross comes into our life to teach us the value of monogamy. If we are already in a long-term relationship and are souring on it, albatross tells us that through flirting and gentle courtship we can revive the wonder of monogamy and find our way into what we liked about our partner in the first place.

– Albatross teaches many types of wisdom, the foremost being wind wisdom and ocean wisdom. Albatross is excellent for people who work frequently with or around the ocean, and will lend luck and grace to anyone involved here.

– Weather forecasting is a science, an art and a magic. Albatross energy addresses all aspects of weather forecasting and helps us to understand storms, rain, and all aspects of weather connected to water and wind.

– Albatross teaches the language of currents. This is a literal and metaphorical lesson. Sometimes we need to pay attention to the currents of movement and energy in our lives, sometimes we need to go with the flow, at other times we must learn how to use the wind to our advantage and cut across converse or harmful currents.

– Albatross is a messenger bird like the eagle, and can come into our lives to pass us messages from deities or the world around us. These messages, if we open our hearts, can have great impact on the direction of our lives.

– Albatross gives us the freedom to break through limits and self-imposed limitations. Albatross energy will reject conservatism, damaging belief-systems and philosophies, and dogmatic cultures that restrict freedom easily, and can help others to do it too.

If you have Albatross as a primary guide:

People with this animal as a primary guide will often manifest traits similar to the animal itself. I work on the philosophy that we only have one primary guide, and it teaches us lessons as well as representing the core aspects of our personality. Therefore –
– Albatross people are wandering spirits that often find it hard to commit to any one path in life for too long (except that of wandering). People with albatross as a primary guide will often go where they want, when they want. Neither culture nor people can make them conform.

– Albatross people teach us the value of long-distance relationships, and monogamy despite great distance. They will overcome odds in order to show that long-distance relationships can be just as fruitful as other relationships.

There will be other ways your primary guide manifests, and you will recognise them with awareness and communion.

As shadow guide/primary guide:

The shadow guide is the animal we often fear irrationally, that teaches us things about ourselves that are profound and difficult to confront. Often the traits we fear most within the shadow guide, are the traits that we dislike in ourselves. We must scrutinise why this is, and learn how to work with them.

– People who fear albatrosses may have an innate fear of the ocean and the wind, they may not like the unpredictability of these elements, particularly when combined together to sometimes make frightening storms. They might be worried about being ‘blown off track’, and may find the power of the ocean over-whelming. These people might be prone to having frightful dreams about the oceans and tidal waves in their lives, and most importantly, probably fear their internal currents and the currents in their lives that affect where they’re going. Overcoming this fear can teach those who fear albatross to find the power to navigate their path with grace and talent, rather than with fear and reluctance.

– People who don’t like albatrosses may be very ill-equipped to conserve energy, and may find that they burn themselves up because they never take the time to assess how best to perform at work and in their lives in order to conserve energy to better enjoy life and see what’s coming up ahead. These people need to learn to relax, and might not see how relaxation is a priority.

– Those who fear albatross may resent faithfulness, loyalty and monogamy because it represents being trapped to them. They might only see the negatives from these traits, and might resent even the idea that they should learn to embrace them (even if they’re not adopted in their lifestyle).

Contacting Albatross:

Like all animal helpers, this animal will only appear when right and appropriate, and cannot be forced to visit you, commune with you, or share messages with you. Albatross is probably best contacted at or near the ocean. If you don’t live near the ocean, visualisations involving scenes of the ocean, cliffs and wind may help.

Albatross tends to come to us in visions and in real life, and can sometimes be seen in meditation and dreams soaring right out on the horizon, a distant reminder that the Source is close to us at all times, keeping a watchful eye.